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Call of Duty 4 Zombie Mod


Hallo Leute, mein Clan hat einen neunen Mod in Call of Duty 4,kommt doch mal rauf und schaut ihn euch an.

zombie mod on server ( player vs player ):

-killstreaks ( Dominating, Rampage, Monsterkill, etc. )
-new hardpoints ( carepackage, predator missile, ac130, etc. )
-adrenalin system ( with earned points you can activate specials )
-points system ( points you earn by kills )
-trader ( there you can restock your ammo or buy weapons, perks, specials, etc. by your points )
-nice ambient ( fog, dark vision, ambient music, etc )
-last hunter power
-kill events ( 8 melee kills for RPG, etc. )

The mod is similar to some others but with more extras and better admins.

Try it out! Feel free to join! I hope you like it and enjoy!